Team Energy Academic Research Archive

The Eindhoven University of Technology houses some of the most innovative research projects in the energy field. Unfortunately, for those that are not directly involved it is hard to follow all that’s going on. When published, the essence of these research projects is often hidden in long and complex reports that aren’t particularly enjoyable to read, presuming you’d have managed to find the time to do so. As of 2019, Team Energy aims to capture the core findings of academic research in short posts, no longer than one A4-sized paper (only text) in size. Below you will find a link to the most recent atricle added.

Experiments on a household-scale thermochemical storage system

To compensate for the energy imbalance that comes with the application of renewable sources and availability of heat, energy storage has become an increasingly dominant research field in the academic world. For thermal energy storage, we can distinguish three...

Applied Superconductivity in Current and Emerging Technologies

An overview of superconducting technologies, the increased availability of superconducting materials, and new technology developments that become possible for industrial and energy applications.

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