Energy Now 2024: Sustainable Energy Congress
Looking to do something big next to your studies? Organise Energy Now 2024, the biggest Team Energy event of the academic year! Check the dedicated website for more information.
Open general Team Energy commission vacancies
Energy Bites
Case night organisation, lunch lectures, 2 to 4 hours per week
In the Energy Bites, you work together with a company to organise a quarterly case-night or lunch lecture somewhere in Eindhoven. Finding a suitable candidate together with a neat location are part of what the Energy Bites commission does.
Various functions – about 8 hour per week
Together with a few other students, you will – as a board member – guide Team Energy and its committees through the 2023-2024 academic year. The functions, all of which are part-time, comprise internal relations, chair, treasurer, secretary and external relations. If leading an enthousiastic group of students constitutes your ambitions there’s no need to look any further
Energy School
Module and educator management – about 2 hours per week
Together with the educators, you will create new and improve existing modules. You will be a contact point for acquisition and plan in the educators through the year.
Energy Now
Commission member – about 8 hours per week
Energy Now 2024 organization has to start well in advance! Would you want to take the challenge of organizing the biggest congress on sustainable energy in the Brainport region? Then this is your chance, there are various roles for every interests:
Promotion, Design, Acquisition, Treasury, Planning & Logistics, Program & Content, and of course the Chairperson. Check out our website to see what this edition looked like!
Besides the additional advantages of joining a commission, joining Team Energy provides you with some general benefits, as listed here. These benefits can be enjoyed also by the community members that haven’t (yet) decided to join a commission. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send an email to!
- Contact with a group of active and dedicated students with a common goal; contribute to a sustainable energy future.
- Access to a vast network of alumni that largely found their calling in the renewable energy field.
- Team activities where likeminded people get connected in an informal setting.
- A solid foundation of company connections that can help you find the internship or project that you desire.
- Internal events where members seek to inform and inspire each other.
- Development of valuable professional skills that will help you strive in the future.